Sentence to think about :  The less I can see, the higher birds fly  farid
Sentence to think about :  Slow time is many short times lost  Farid
Sentence to think about :    Farid al Bahrli
Sentence to think about :   If you give me an apple and I give you an idea, Both of us will have that idea but I will have also an apple   George Bernard Shaw modified by Farid
Sentence to think about :   The world is small but the sea is great then is the best place to meet   Farid al Bahrli
Sentence to think about :   Ma décision est prise, mais par qui?     Farid al Bahrli


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 Newspaper article
Paper published in Bateau n°222 in November 1976 about the Amphora

Bateau 222 Amphora.pdf (??? Kb) Downloaded 4690 times

Paper published in Voiles et Voiliers  n°62 in april 1976 about the Amphora compare to Amphitrite

Amphora-Voiles-et-voiliers-62-1976 (??? Kb) Downloaded 1770 times

Paper published in Yackting in December 1985

Yachting85.pdf (350.21 Kb) Downloaded 1535 times

Paper published in Yackting in october 1984

Yacking.pdf (1 334.95 Kb) Downloaded 1504 times

trottamar.pdf (??? Kb) Downloaded 3956 times

Henri%20WAUQUIEZ.pdf (??? Kb) Downloaded 3698 times
 User manuals

Perkins 4.154 Electrical Schematics.pdf (256.95 Kb) Downloaded 3607 times

Perkins 4.154 Marine Supplement.pdf (1 136.79 Kb) Downloaded 3512 times

Perkins 200 Series Workshop Manual.pdf (5 805.17 Kb) Downloaded 3796 times

Wauquiez Electrical Schematics.pdf (179.09 Kb) Downloaded 3401 times

Manual%20Neco%20NM%20692.pdf (??? Kb) Downloaded 3955 times

SIMRAD%20AP26%20-%20notice%20technique%20(F).pdf (??? Kb) Downloaded 3421 times

entretien%20Perkins%20Prima%20M50.pdf (??? Kb) Downloaded 4040 times

PlanAmphHPye.jpg (??? Kb) Downloaded 4108 times

Sail Plan MKII Amphitrite_7.jpg (0.00 Kb) Downloaded 4205 times
 Original advertisements

amphitrite.ppt (??? Kb) Downloaded 4079 times

Amphitrite%20MS%2045.ppt (??? Kb) Downloaded 3524 times

amphora.ppt (??? Kb) Downloaded 3869 times
 Cruising stories
Croisière méditerranéenne sur un Amphitrite, accomplie à partir de mai 2007 du nord-ouest de la Sardaigne (ALGHERO) à la côte lycienne de la Turquie (FINIKE) en compagnie d'équipiers pittoresques.

R%E9cit%20de%20croisi%E8re%20R.pdf (??? Kb) Downloaded 3384 times
 Récits de croisière

ConvoyageAmphitrite.pdf (??? Kb) Downloaded 3749 times